July, 2024

Adam Zaky, our summer high school student, presented his research on scFv (Single-chain antibody). 

Great job, Adam!  

July, 2024

Kim Lab received a Grant from NIH (National Institutes of Health). (2024-2029)

July, 2024

Kim Lab received a Grant from Ohio Cancer Research. (2024-2026)

June, 2024

Kim Lab enjoyed dinner with our new lab member.

 Welcome, Emily! 

May, 2024

Kim Lab received a Grant from the G.Harold and Leila Y. MATHERS Foundation. (2024-2027)

April, 2024

New Postdoc team member joins in the Kim lab!

Welcome, Rajbinder Kaur Virk!

March, 2024

In March 2024, The Brief Newsletter featured an article announcing the prestigious Mallinckrodt grant awarded to the Kim Lab.

Check out the newsletter!  

March, 2024

The announcement of Mallinckrodt grant awarded to the Kim Lab has been posted to the School Of Medicine Webstie. 

Check out the announcement!  

March, 2024

Kim Lab received the Career Development Award from the American Heart Association. (2024-2027)

February, 2024

A new paper is published in Molecular Cell!

Check out the publication.

January, 2024

New team member joins in the Kim lab!

Welcome, Ryan Deng! 

September, 2023

Kim lab received a new grant from the Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr Foundation. (2023-2026)

September, 2023

Kim lab received a new pilot grant from the American Cancer Society. (2023-2024)

September, 2023

New team members join in the Kim lab!

Welcome, Clare Mewhinney!

June, 2023

Eppendorf incubator is installed in the lab!

May, 2023

AKTA go protein purification systems are finally installed in our lab!

April, 2023

New team members join in the Kim Lab!

Welcome, Chathuni  Jayathilake!

December, 2022

The Kim Lab is officially opened in Case Western Reserve University!

We work on setting our lab!

Kim Lab at Case Western Reserve University

©2022 by Kim Lab at Case Western Reserve University